Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Hunt Continues

I'm still in the middle of possibly the widest and most in depth rental property search ever. I'm sure there's a landlord's guild somewhere, where they're all getting together, playing cards with a beer or two, and the table conversation going something like this:

"Are you holding places right now for some prospective tenants?"
"Yeah, actually, one of my best."
"Me too."
"Me too."
"Can I ask who you're holding for?"
"Sure, it's this really annoying woman who asks four million questions and has called me more than once with follow-up questions. And you know, she called the other day for a second viewing...Who does that?"
"You're kidding! I think I'm holding for the same freak!"
"Wait, me too!"
"Is here name Lindsey, by chance?"
"What a freak."

But I've decided I just don't care. I will find the most interesting place to live in Platteville for the best price. And, you know what else? It probably won't be the listed price either. Never settle for listed price. Monthly rent is always negotiable. :)

My latest prospect is a little unique space near downtown. Possibly the strangest, but could-be-cutest place ever. You walk into an "L" shaped living room, followed by a small front bedroom. Then there's a really wide hallway leading back to the kitchen, bathroom, and other bedroom that is definitely wide enough to put a dining set in. The kitchen is small, but there is a walk-in pantry-fun! And the master bedroom has a walk-in closet. Oh, and did I mention there's a full basement with laundry that is clean! So, pretty much, it's weird, and cool, and strange all in one wonderful package. So we'll see. I'll keep you posted. I have to call the landlord back for a second visit to take measurements and check shower water pressure and such important things. Hee hee.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Grad School: Take Two

Back about a year ago, if you recall, I went through a round of applications to a few graduate schools and couldn't nail down the perfect opportunity, so I aptly withdrew my applications. I decided that I just wasn't ready for the move to graduate school. But after nearly a year in the workforce, I'm quickly realizing that I will not be able to move up any chain of command without a higher level degree...which, strange. I thought that a bachelor's degree was a fairly high degree...but schmee. Whatever.

So I once again plunge into another application process for another grad school. This situation, though, does seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. UW-La Crosse has a brand new all online grad program which means I get to keep working full-time and take classes at an almost full-time pace. How exciting!

Please stop me if I've written a post about this already. I don't think I have, but frankly, I'm too lazy to check.

So wish me luck on my second attempt at greatness...or something like that.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, I could be a realtor if this whole student affairs thing falls through. This weekend I drove around for several hours taking photos and collecting contact information on many different rental properties in town. I am working on finding the best bang for my buck which means a deep and wide scale search of every property just for good measure. You never know what hidden gems are just waiting to be found.

And then do you know what happens? I get to go furniture shopping! And that is possibly the most exciting news of all.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another Year Come and Gone

First of all, I would like to wish all of you a happy New Year. Welcome to 2007.

Speaking of 2007, can you believe that it really is 2007 already? Remember back to when 2010 brought up dreams of flying cars and teleportation devices? And now, just a few short years to go, none of our dreams for the future seem to be coming into fruition. But technology that was never thought up has been popping up everywhere. I mean, new cell phones that do email, surf the web, take pictures, play music, TV, and who knows what else that are small enough for me to lose consistently. And although cars do not yet fly, there are some running on cleaner fuels and getting obscenely high mileage numbers, have audio imputs and GPS navigators.

But despite all that, time is sure flying. It seems faster every year. And with more and more to experience with each year of adulthood I enter, faster time cannot be a good thing. You know, things like learning to keep track to bills, rent payments, insurance coverage are all still pretty new to me this year. And more new things are building on top of all that: retirement plans, filing taxes (gulp), figuring out major life purchases while still paying off student loans, grad school while working, well, the list goes on and on. And if you think about it all at once, adulthood feels very overwhelming like a big wave knocking you off your surfboard in the ocean. So I try not to think about it all at once...ever. No one likes to be knocked off their surfboard.

In the year to come I do have hopes, dreams, and goals of what I'd love to see take place. I'd love to get into UW-La Crosse's Student Affairs Administration program this summer and complete the degree in a year and a half to two years. I'd certainly love for Mr. Right to sweep me off my feet and put a ring on my finger. I have dreams of purchasing a car, but I'll settle for new furniture. I hope to spend more time with family and less time in a car. And most of all, I'd really love to feel a little more in control and a little less out of control in all aspects of life. That would be nice.

Anyway, happy New Year. Hope it's a good one.