Monday, June 25, 2012

Such a Girl

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so much of a girl. I mean, clearly, I am indeed a female...not sure there's any confusion there. But some females are rational, calm, even-keeled people. Others deal with a mess of emotions, looks, reflections, crazily analyzing everything to death... That second one, that's totally me. I read this usually satirical, hilarious blog about Christian living that makes fun of reserved pews, drums in church, worship leader dress codes...but this one reminded me a little too much of me:

I am SUCH a girl. 

I spend a lot of time fighting my girl-nature. I try to look "natural" but always end up wearing makeup. I try to sit quietly and enjoy conversation around me but usually end up talking too much. I buy clothes that make me feel like a pretty princess. I try to keep my emotions in check but end up crying at pretty much every emotion (afraid? yep. overjoyed? yep. overwhelmed? oh, yes.). I like having my nails done. I like dresses. I like curls in my hair. I think about everything way too much. Everything. All the time. I've actually even had people tell me that maybe I just need a break from reflecting on everything so much and just try to enjoy things for what they are. Far too much thinking. 

But here's the thing about girl-nature: God made women. And God made men. And God made them drastically different so that they could compliment each other. If we were the same, we just wouldn't. And we wouldn't need each other. 

Men's hearts don't necessarily always dwell on things like women's. They can process information far more objectively. Thank goodness for that! Men are brave and fearless and strong; they protect and shelter and give of themselves in their strengths...because they were made that way. And women feel deeply, love deeply, dwell in moments and create significance out of them; they give of themselves in their own strengths...because they were made that way.

I believe that men and women were made differently to represent to the world different facets of our Creator, a complex and wonderful God. Together we tell the story of salvation to the world around us, just by living into who were are. And one day, that love story that we tell in a fractured, frail way during our time on earth will be told perfectly in the return of Jesus to reclaim us as His own. 

So, let me change a previous statement... I AM such a girl. I was created that way. My femininity complements men's masculinity because it is supposed to just as God's strength compliments our weakness because it is supposed to. So here's to mascara, pink dresses, do-I-look-pretty-Daddy?'s, tears in all circumstances, just the right pair of shoes, too much reflection, analyzing everything, talking too much, sappy movies, intoxicating perfumes, and blushing at compliments. I'm God's girl, and He created me in just that way.

Funny how attending a wedding of a good friend gets a girl thinking about such things...

1 comment:

Joyce Boike said...

Heck yes - Amen for being a girl! Thanks for your makes it easier to cry at every emotion (because I so totally do, too)!