Tuesday, March 02, 2010

My Heart on a Page

Up. Down. Good. Bad. Exciting. Lame. Lovely. Ugly. Inspiring. Enraging.

Looking back on four plus years of blogging, I have realized something. This random pile of ramblings is a pretty accurate representation of what my heart looks like on paper. (Okay, so on a screen, most specifically, but you get the idea.) You, as the faithful reader you are, have been able to follow along with the extremes of emotions, the best of the best and the worst of the worst, right as it is happening.

I started this whole blogging project four or so years ago as a way to connect with folks back at home and at the office from my lonesome journeys as a recruiter out on the road. But over the years and hundreds of posts, it has evolved into something much different. It's not just the goofy or absurd, the ridiculous or the hilarious aspects of my strange, strange life. It's the picture of a heart. It's become lessons and growth and a sounding board and outpouring spot. It's become reflection and healing and love and learning. And hopefully it's become something far beyond just internal, personal, just for me. My hope is that a few people out there stumble upon this page, or subscribe and read along frequently, or get sent a link at just the right time...and see my heart...and then see God.

Not all of my reflections are about God. Not all of my posts are event godly. Some of them are, well...human. They show weakness, hardship, hurting, frustrations. But hopefully, in the long run, they show growth, maturing, faith. And in that growth, maturing, and faith, hopefully I have been like a mirror (although probably cracked and smudged and dim) reflecting, as best I can, the Light of God.

I've never really thought of writing as a gift I had been given. It was always just something I did, liked to do. But, you know, if God can use my ramblings, imperfections and all, then they are a gift. And I want to use this gift to His glory. So, I offer Him (and you) my heart on a page, as a mirror for the Light, as a gift to His glory.

1 comment:

Brini said...

This was a beautiful post! I've enjoyed reading for the last 4 years!!!