Thursday, June 03, 2010

Open Windows

Although it's felt like summer for quite some time around here, I've hesitated to open up all of the windows in the house. I've opened a few - the front porch, the kitchen, the bedroom sky lights, but I have not brought myself to cranking them all wide open. Why, you ask? Well, frankly, the only reason why I wouldn't open up all my windows is that opening them, compels me to clean them...the dirty, webby sills at least. That place that's been all shut up for six months or so and inevitably has become home to some ferocious creature that is only doing a mediocre job at controlling the population of gnats sneaking through the screens anyway. Stupid spiders. 

Well, tonight, desperate to cool my nearly hundred year old second floor bedrooms to a tolerable sleeping temperature, I finally decided enough was enough. Those spiders could not keep my desires for fresh air and peaceful sleep at bay any longer. I opened, I sucked, I wiped, I breathed deep. Why...sigh...didn't that sooner...sigh...

There is just something wonderful about the feeling of having the windows wide, isn't there? It's freeing. To both the six-months-sealed funk that grows into a house throughout the winter months and to my out-door craving spirit who would probably sleep outside all summer if not for the aforementioned spiders. And bats. And...well, you get the idea. I still love the outdoors.

It just leaves me praising God for the gift of air. And praying that it doesn't rain at least until I wake up in the morning.

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