Monday, August 23, 2010


Tonight, the Department of Student Life did something that, at least to my knowledge, it had never done before. We kicked off student leader and mentor training in an unapologetically  Christian message. We prayed, ate, learned, and played together. And we studied a book of the Bible that has become more and more dear to my heart: Esther. 

I can relate to Esther. She was young, probably not all that wise, and was thrown into a situation that she had no idea was about to come. When I applied at UD, for whatever reason, they took a liking to me. They gave me a chance despite my youth, inexperience, and very apparent lack of wisdom. And since I've been at the college, some amazing and momentous things have been happening around me and with me and through me. And tonight is such a prime example of that. 

I can't help keep thinking...

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

What if I had turned down this job for another? Or stayed in my other job? The things happening on this campus may have happened from somewhere or someone else. The transformation of students' lives, Student Life, and the University would have happened in some way. But maybe...just maybe it was meant just for me. The time and the experiences and the growth and the momentous moments were God's desire for me to be in. And that thought keeps me going. God wants me to act, use my gifts, be a part of the action. And I just pray that He can use me like he used Esther - to be brave, to use my gifts, to change lives around me. And I pray that I can get that message out to students - that they can do the same. 

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