Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quite the Lull

It has been several months since I've even considered seriously this blog, and I have been wondering lately why that is. Some days its seems that thoughts and emotions and lessons just pour out of me, like I can't help but write them down, even if no one is reading along. But other days, nothing comes to mind, as if I have nothing valuable or interesting to share. And lately, there has certainly been much more of the latter type of days. Buy why?

Could it be that I have been simply to busy to stop and process anything that's been going on in my life? Probable, but suspending writing and processing has not been my typical m.o. Usually, the more stressed and stretched I feel, the more time I need to just sit and process. Could it be then that I'm simply not busy enough to have the need to process and write? *Smirk* If this is it, then the world is a seriously messed up place, because I certainly feel busy enough. 

Is it possible that I have lost some semblance of inspiration to cause my writing to be quieted? Could it be that I am supposed to be quiet for a while for some purpose? All in all, I can't be sure as to what has caused my lull, but I want to come back. So, if I have any readers out there at all, I'll hopefully get back in the swing of things soon. And if not, for myself, I will still hopefully get back in the swing of things soon.

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