Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Embracing Adulthood: Sharing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

Today, I had a heart-to-heart with a few students, and as I was talking to them, I found myself pausing, thinking, "Am I talking to a younger me right now?" 

I started listening to myself, really listening to what I was telling these young women in my office. And after they left, I sort of chuckled. The very things I was telling them were the very things that others had told me only a few years before. I envisioned myself in similar situations as these young women faced and realized that I would have probably handled things how they had just a few short years ago. But now, there's the whole new perspective that I view the world with, a new attitude, maybe even a thin layer of wisdom that keeps me from repeating (most of) the mistakes of my youth. 

A year or two ago, I found myself in this place that I didn't really want to be. Not quite young but not quiet grown up. Not quite wise but not really a fool. Not quite mature but not completely immature either. I watched the real grown-ups around me making even-keeled decisions as I flipped out, remaining calm when I wanted to shout. As I made mistakes, stumbled and staggered through the not-quite-adulthood I had found myself in, I grew more and more frustrated just wanting to be "there", arriving at full, mastered adulthood.

Today, I'm still certainly not the sage, calm, even-keeled adult that I dream of one day becoming, but my how I've grown. And continue to grow. Today was just such a clear reminder of that, that it's time to embrace the wisdom-seeking adult that I'm becoming. I guess sometimes it takes a little-you in front of you to show you how not-so-little you are.

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