Wednesday, September 26, 2018

#YearofNBS: Phase One: The Gear Up

Preparations for the Year of No Bullsh!t (NBS) are well underway, people. It's kind of a funny thing to spend so much time to prepare for a life change, but I suppose it's all actually just a part of the change itself. With four weeks to go before the year officially begins, I've at least begun my preparations, and here's what the plan looks like so far. 

Healthy Time
One of the first areas I needed to tackle was rearranging some of my time to help better fit in the priorities that I feel are actually important. Healthy time requires me to understand first how my time is spent. 

  • I put a timer app on my phone called Space, that reminds me when I've spent too much time on my screen or have unlocked it way too many times for the day. 
  • I'm using a planning tool called Trello to help me organize priorities in general. It's sort of like a multi-layered checklist that I've categorized to include a lot of the areas of my life that need a hand in organizing and thinking about. 
  • I requested an extra hour a day for my kids at daycare. Instead of trying to pick them up immediately after work at 3:45 pm, I'll aim to pick them up between 4:30 and 4:45. 
  • I selected an 8 week workout program that offers daily 15 minute workouts. This is an accomplishable amount of time to start with while I am also doing some running and yoga. And it will be fun to try something new.
  • I am contemplating removing Facebook from my phone. I waste so much time on it as the thing that I mindlessly do when I don't want to do anything else. But sometimes I end up in rabbit holes that take up way too much time. 
  • I'm thinking about doing a one-week time study where I record what I do every 15 minutes of the day for all of my waking hours to basically prove to myself that I waste copious amounts of time on stupid crap. Anyone want to join me in trying this challenge? 
  • I'm pondering the idea of paying someone to wrangle some of my technology messes. I've got some accounts I'd like to consolidate and some issues with my tablet that I don't want to dink with anymore. Sometimes, exchanging time for money is an important and necessary thing. 
Healthy Home
As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm a total hot-mess-mom that you should never just drop in on because, I promise, I'm not ready. Figuring out how to not be a total domestic failure is a significant priority. 

  • Hubs and I tore apart our bedroom recently bagging up clothing and shoes we don't wear to get it out of the house. It's a major contributor to clutter. Instead of trying to be sustainable and donate the items to Goodwill or another entity (a process that usually looks like a garbage bag of clothes on the back porch for 6 months), we just 
  • I have been desperately trying to keep up with wiping down the kitchen table and floor. Seems dumb, I know, but of all the things I try to accomplish before I drop for the night, the eating area is my least favorite. So much kid food smeared about. Sometimes habits are only formed by repetition.
  • I need to make a longer-term clutter tackling plan to includes some deadlines. It is a perpetual effort that cannot be done once and then ignored. Junk enters our house daily, so it needs to find a way to exit our house daily. 
  • We continue to cycle out some toys in areas that are filled with too many toys. We're planning to watch how the kids play with the toys and remove the ones that remain untouched. 
Healthy Food
This is the category that I've spent the least amount of time one, but it might actually be the most critical to our family well being. Overall, I'm happier when there is less thought and choice involved in what we're eating. Plus, as a bonus, we save money and waste less food when we thoughtfully plan our choices. 

So that's it. That's my progress so far. I'll check in in another week or so with more progress! 

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