Thursday, July 27, 2006

Normal Day

Today was a normal day. And since returning from Ukraine, I thank God for those. I went and did a little nannying with a super cute baby, came home and cleaned, ate a little something, talked to Brandon... All very normal activities...all very good.

I did spend quite a fair amount of time on the phone with the electric company discussing a bill I never received and attempting to get my name on the bills. But apparently, you can only do that if you've had a previous address, and since I just got done being all studented and stuff, I didn't really have one. So I would have had to fill out a whole big application thingy, and it just seemed like a huge pain the in the butt. So I decided to leave it in whatever name was on it currently, and Aliant didn't seem to care. Good.

Katy and Chad had their baby, and I am so excited to go down and see them with Brandon. I love babies! I'm glad that she and mom are healthy and well, and as far as I know, Chad didn't pass out or anything, so that's good, too. I will be looking forward to all the wonderful details from Gail because, let's face it, Brandon's version of what Gail told him was just a little lack-luster. Men aren't really in tune with all of the details of events like this. And I can pretty much promise that Gail will have a slew of great stories to tell when she returns from Illinois.

Tomorrow I head to the parents' place for the weekend. I am required to give a presentation on my trips as a way to thank them for all the financial support they sent my way. I will not complain, though, because they did send me a butt load of money. It's just a slight challenge to give a presentation with the trip was mainly mediocre. Oh well. I'll put on my happiest face that I can muster, and tell everyone that all was fantastic and worthwhile.

I'm still working diligently on Brandon's surprise. I now have several people taunting him about what it could be. It should be a lot of fun! Brandon, if you're reading this (probably the only one reading this) well, ha ha. It will remain a mystery. Much like the electric company's misplaced bill.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Date with a Mom

Today was a lot of fun. It was the kind of unexpected fun where you can look back on a day and think, "Man, that was a really great day." I spent the day with Brandon's mom. This, at first made me a little nervous. I was surprised that I actually asked her first of all, and I was even more surprised that she wanted to come along. But the most surprising of all was that she offered to drive, took me out for lunch, and then wouldn't except any gas or food money. She said that she was just glad to help. I thought that was pretty cute of her.

Gail and I talked about all sorts of interesting things on our excursion today. We discussed family, living far away, the ins and outs of dating her son, married life, the un-grumpy side of Brian. It was all very interesting. We also talked about teaching, other careers, fun in the summers, oh all kinds of stuff. I have decided that I love, I love the entire Otte family. You all rock! :)

Then the most exciting thing happened this evening! Katy, Brandon's sister, who rocks, went into labor and will very soon be holding her new daughter, Ella. I, as the baby lover that I am, am very excited about this, and I hope to go visit them with Brandon very soon. I love babies. And I will most definitely win the poll for the date and time category...good thing. I need some candy around my apartment.

I spent the better part of my day (by better, I do mean bigger, because nothing beats an afternoon with Gail Otte...except maybe an afternoon with Brandon Otte) making a present for Brandon. My favorite thing about this perhaps is torturing him about what it might be or how cool its going to be. Ah, but he will find out soon enough. All he needs to remember is that I am awsome. A lesson well learned tonight, I think...right, Brandon? :)

Ok, well, enough excitement for my day. I'm worn out, and I'm very much looking forward to curling up with a good book and hitting the hay.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Blogging Victim

Ok, so I broke down. I fell victim to the blogging sensation. I'm not sure what possessed me to do it...perhaps I was jealous of a certain someone's blog (that being Brandon, my boyfriend) or maybe I was just bored. Maybe I just have a lot of thoughts that I'm sick of jotting down in a notebook, but that is not to say that my notebook jotting will cease. Some jots are just too private to share with the whole world.

I'm not going to guarantee that this blog will be interesting, or even worth reading, but it will be just another of my creative outlets to keep me balanced. Plus, I have a feeling that when I start my new job (August 23rd) that I will have a lot of free time sitting alone in a hotel room looking for something to do...lucky you, to get to read about my most boring times. :)

Well, if this first post is any indication of the quality of the posts to follow, I'm sure I have just guaranteed that it will not be read. But I suppose that's ok too. But hey, be on the lookout for fun things like song lyrics (Konken originals)...if I feel like it...and other fun and exciting surprises.