Thursday, July 27, 2006

Normal Day

Today was a normal day. And since returning from Ukraine, I thank God for those. I went and did a little nannying with a super cute baby, came home and cleaned, ate a little something, talked to Brandon... All very normal activities...all very good.

I did spend quite a fair amount of time on the phone with the electric company discussing a bill I never received and attempting to get my name on the bills. But apparently, you can only do that if you've had a previous address, and since I just got done being all studented and stuff, I didn't really have one. So I would have had to fill out a whole big application thingy, and it just seemed like a huge pain the in the butt. So I decided to leave it in whatever name was on it currently, and Aliant didn't seem to care. Good.

Katy and Chad had their baby, and I am so excited to go down and see them with Brandon. I love babies! I'm glad that she and mom are healthy and well, and as far as I know, Chad didn't pass out or anything, so that's good, too. I will be looking forward to all the wonderful details from Gail because, let's face it, Brandon's version of what Gail told him was just a little lack-luster. Men aren't really in tune with all of the details of events like this. And I can pretty much promise that Gail will have a slew of great stories to tell when she returns from Illinois.

Tomorrow I head to the parents' place for the weekend. I am required to give a presentation on my trips as a way to thank them for all the financial support they sent my way. I will not complain, though, because they did send me a butt load of money. It's just a slight challenge to give a presentation with the trip was mainly mediocre. Oh well. I'll put on my happiest face that I can muster, and tell everyone that all was fantastic and worthwhile.

I'm still working diligently on Brandon's surprise. I now have several people taunting him about what it could be. It should be a lot of fun! Brandon, if you're reading this (probably the only one reading this) well, ha ha. It will remain a mystery. Much like the electric company's misplaced bill.

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