Saturday, February 24, 2007

A House is Not a Home, but a School Could Be

Well, I hate to make assumptions, but I think it's pretty safe to say that I have finally found a place to live. I will, at this point, give props to my coworker Deb, for pointing me toward it.

I will be moving to Belmont. In Belmont, there is an old school house, built circa 1901, that some very nice rich people took the time, energy, and money to utilize original features while creating unique and modern spaces. And did I mention that they're beautiful? Original hardwood floors, big windows, high ceilings...lockers in the hallways, original chalkboards in each unit, washers and dryers on each floor, gas fireplaces in the basement units...ok, so I can't afford those units, but they have them. In a word, these places are sweet.

I almost cried when I was talking with the owner, telling her how many terrible places I had seen, and that all I was looking for was a place that I could walk in and think, "Ahhh." A pleasant sigh was all I was really looking for. But I walked into their building and though, "Wow! Amazing!" And that was about it. I had pretty much decided.

So all I have to say at this point is, thank God for Belmont, and thank God for non-student geared housing. :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Big Loser

So there I was, eating my dinner quietly in Applebee's. I was happily finishing my financial planning book, completing a very typical meal. Then it happened. I always joked that it happened all the time, but it had never actually really happened. My waitress came up to me and said that she was really feeling sorry for me sitting all the way across the restaurant all by myself. Ugh. Well, if I wasn't already feeling like a big loser, that statement solidified that I probably should.

I politely explained that this was an everyday sort of occurrence for me as a traveler. I explained my job and all that. Then she asked me if I had my own house or just literally traveled all the time. Seriously? Wow. Well, the loser factor just increased.

So, sweet. A waitress feels sorry for me. This travel season is starting off about as well as it could.

Monday, February 12, 2007

On the Road Again....

Today is my first day back on the road. Well, I don't actually leave until say noon-ish today, but this should be a great week.

I scheduled light, so that I could ease my way back into the swing of travel life. My easing hasn't been so smooth though. I'm not really packed yet, I have to stop at the bank and the post office, and and my fleet car is not filled up with gas. Sweet. Oh well. I am trying my hardest to keep a positive attitude about this travel season. I started off dreading it, but you know, it might be kind of fun. Last season wasn't horrible, it was just a season. And so too will this one be.

So wish me luck as I brave the weather, snow, and a different fleet car that usual (which has reportedly had previous transmission troubles), and head up north. And please, please give me a hug next time you see me. :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Just Call Me Picky McPickerson

Maybe I'm just too picky. I don't know. But it is seeming to be more and more difficult to find a new place to live that I really like. I always thought that my perfect place was waiting out there for me at the price I want. Turns's not.

Well, actually, that's not true. It is out there...was. It was out there. But it only took one dumb landlord to really ruin my day. I sure did find my dream rental. I was very impressed with it's overall quality and affordability. It came with lots of extras like a two car attached garage, dishwasher, brand new washer and dryer, central air, deck, big back yard, nice residential neighborhood. And best of all - not available. "Oh, sorry I showed that place to you, and offered to show you a second time, but the tenants changed their minds and will be staying." Yoink. The rug gets yanked from under my firmly planted feet.

So, now the search continues for the perfect place to call home. This sure would be a lot easier if my standards were low...there are lots of places out there if you don't care that you live in a dump.