Saturday, June 30, 2007

Homework and Procrastination...Not a Great Combo

Somehow in the year between my undergraduate studies and my first graduate level course, I forgot just how much I don't like to study. I was doing really well up until this week. Maybe it was the excitement of the first online course ever at UWL and being apart of that momentous event that had me doing work on time and keeping up with all assignments and readings. Or maybe it was the sheer amount of stuff that I had to do that kept me on my toes... Either way, Yuck!

Today my goal was to write the bulk of two major papers, both due in just over a week. Here's what I actually accomplished today:

9:00 am: Wal-Mart (now, this is pretty early for a Saturday morning with only homework on the agenda, but still, it was not really on the agenda)
10:00: post office and bank (necessary stops, but could have been done on Monday)
10:30: Unloading and putting away all the groceries I got at my non-planned excursion to Wal-Mart
11:00: I actually did read a little, printed some things off, wrote the intro to one of my papers
12:30: Drove back to Platteville and hung out outside with Alisha (in my defense, it was the perfect day to play outside...and originally it was Alisha's idea)
3:30: (Note, the time spent with Alisha was just long enough to substantiate a sunburn to further my already horrible farmer's tan...anyway...) Started the bulk of one of the papers, wrote three pages or so, fluffed a lot of it, actually researched some of it, then...
6:30: Writing in my blog because I've lost interest in my paper.

So, one almost down, and one and some to go. And a short holiday week to get it all done in. Sweet. can one forget the Yuck factor?

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