Sunday, April 27, 2008

Holy I'm-a-Month-Behind!

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I have given an update on life...unfortunate because the few of you that may have read this a while back (say a month ago when my last posts were happening) have by now certainly given up on me. Sorry about that. Hopefully you come back and read eventually.

And the saddest part is that a lot of things have happened since I wrote last. I have been working to finish up my travels in the Illinois. I have made several trips...and there have been weeks that I made several trips in a single week...This week for example. But I'm getting pretty good at being a truck driver of sorts and driving without really thinking about it, so it has been pretty easy just to "run to Chicago" a few times a week. It sure is one heck of a commute.

In other news, I've been job searching. I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge by least that's what I hear around the water cooler. I've gotten to the point where I guess I don't care too much who really knows. So anyway...I've been searching and hopefully eventually finding. And it's not that I hate my job, don't get me wrong. There are many parts of my job that I truly love. But there are just so many more things that I am passionate about...and isn't that where we all want to be in our lives? Pouring ourselves into our passions one way or another? That's the goal anyway. I'll keep you posted on that front as updates become available.

Probably the biggest news I have to report is my first truly adult purchase (outside of purchasing my education) and that would be my beautiful new baby: my Saturn Aura. I haven't taken pictures of her yet...but I hope to in the next few days...maybe once I figure out how to get it registered. No one has really explained that part to me yet. I'm sure eventually the excitement will wear off, but frankly I hope not. It's kind of fun.

And on the hornet front: there have been none to kill since Wednesday. Wednesday! Let me tell you, that is good news! Let's hope the pattern continues.

And that will do it for news this evening. I promise to make a better attempt at keeping you updated and such good things more often. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the excitement hasn't worn off yet. Your car is awesome. Even I am excited about it. Tell me, do you ever just stare at it for a second or two and smile, thinking to yourself, "Yep, that's my car."? I did that when I had a car I really liked. 1996 Nissan 240sx.