Monday, June 02, 2008

The Big Winner

Today, I have to admit that I'm pretty tired and even a little grumpy after a long tough weekend of working hard and playing hard. Work didn't start (or continue) with the greatest, most joyful demeanor, so I got a little short with people and headed outside for some alone time. It was very nice. But somehow, no matter how grumpy I got, it was still my day.

This morning, I get a phone call at work rather unexpectedly. "Hi, this is Jessica from Subway, and you're our weekly winner. You can come pick up your free meal whenever you'd like." How fun! All those weeks of putting my business card into their little box finally paid off. I admit that I gloated a little bit to Tara, who almost always has a scoff for me when I drop my cards in.

Then, even more ironically, this afternoon, Quiznos calls me to let me know that I have won a free meal from them and I'd be entered into a $500 cash drawing tomorrow. Nobody wins this stuff...and certainly nobody wins this sort of stuff one day. How sweet would the $5oo be? Hopefully tomorrow will be my day too.

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