Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun in the Kitchen

In place of a blind-date-road-trip that I thought was going to take place today, I decided to clean my house and then undo most of that with some fun in the kitchen.

For the first time ever, I tried my hand at homemade pasta. It wasn't too tough, a cup or so of flour, three eggs, and a tablespoon of olive oil. But it was sure messy! After mixing the ingredients in the recommended manner (on the counter...which I wouldn't necessarily recommend), you then have to let it sit and, then roll it out thin, cut it all up, and let it rest again. And the sauce? A creamy parmesan cinnamon acorn squash sauce. Oh yeah, I did that.

It was one of those recipes that I figured I would either love or hate. Here's what's in it:
Squash (the recipe called for pumpkin...whatever)
half and half
parmesan cheese

Weird right? Yeah, that's what I thought, but it actually tastes great! Kind of savory and creamy, but it needs a little something. I'm eating it right now trying to figure out what that other thing might be. Perhaps some salt...I'll let you know.

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