Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Engagement Treasures

There's something to be said for treasuring every phase of your life to the extent that one can, but let's be honest that some phases of life are more treasurable than others. For instance, I'm not so sure that I will look back and be able to state with certainty that I treasured my dissertation writing phase of life. I hopefully can at least say I survived it, I muddled through it, I, um, accomplished it. I doubt I will say I treasured it. 

And hearing of and even in some cases witnessing horror stories of engagements, I'm not so sure that three months ago I would have put being engaged on the to-be-treasured list. However, half way through this business, I must say I am having far too much fun. 

There are just certain things that one only EVER gets to do while engaged. I had never really thought of this before, but lately, this is becoming really apparent. Beside the obvious fact of getting to plan a wedding and all the details that come with it, there are tons of other things I feel like I am experiencing, discussing, and learning in this special period of life. 

I get to experience the excitement of getting engaged over and over each time someone finds out. New girlish squeals abound, and we all dance around and hug and smile. This also sometimes happens between Derrick and I when we realize how many days or weeks we have left to go before life together begins (okay, so he doesn't squeal and dance about, but I usually do). I have been able to discuss many things I did not expect to discuss with anyone. Amongst my closest friends, topics of, ahem, marital bliss have come up more times in the last two weeks than my entire life previous. It's strange and delightful. And enlightening. And I feel like I have learned so much about myself, my impending wifehood (wifery? wifeishness?), us, our strengths and gifts and how those somehow come together in one house and one life together. 

I am so very glad for the choices we have made. I would not have wanted a longer engagement than six months no matter how wonderful this treasured time is because, let's be honest, the real treasure awaits me after the engagement - my husband. But I am so glad that I get the gift of a cherished, treasured engagement that is sure to be followed by a cherished, treasured marriage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...