Friday, October 13, 2006


I went to the town of Kohler, Wisconsin this week. Have you ever been to this town? I have to say that I was thoroughly creeped out. I mean seriously.

This town is like a movie set. I drove around with the extra time that I had before my school visit, and it quickly became a game to try to find an ugly ugly ugly person. But I lost at my own game. There were none. The town was so beautiful that it was almost disgusting. All of the shops and markets and the downtown were all of these beautiful brick building, new-looking with old-style charm. Many of the buildings had leafy vines crawling gracefully up the sides, and they were just starting to show the colors of fall. What a town.

My first thought was that if I ever made a whole lot of money, I would move there and boast of this most beautiful town. But I found myself, as I was playing my little ugly search game, saying out loud over and over, "What is this place?" And then I realized that the feeling I had was not an awe of its amazingness, but rather an overwhelming weirded out feeling, as if in the presence of some sort of strange cult.

So, in short, I do not feel like I will ever move to Kohler, Wisconsin, but I may go there again to gawk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Kohler is where toilets are made. Toilets cost a lot of money and even down here in Chicago they have Kohler toilets and sinks. I'm guessing that's probablly why it's pretty nice.