Monday, February 12, 2007

On the Road Again....

Today is my first day back on the road. Well, I don't actually leave until say noon-ish today, but this should be a great week.

I scheduled light, so that I could ease my way back into the swing of travel life. My easing hasn't been so smooth though. I'm not really packed yet, I have to stop at the bank and the post office, and and my fleet car is not filled up with gas. Sweet. Oh well. I am trying my hardest to keep a positive attitude about this travel season. I started off dreading it, but you know, it might be kind of fun. Last season wasn't horrible, it was just a season. And so too will this one be.

So wish me luck as I brave the weather, snow, and a different fleet car that usual (which has reportedly had previous transmission troubles), and head up north. And please, please give me a hug next time you see me. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good luck, drive safely, and all that jazz. I think about you often.