Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Should Throw a Party

Today, friends and faithful readers (however few of you there may be), marks a fairly momentous my blogging life anyway. My most recent post about marriage, posted earlier today was my 200th post on my blog. I quick look back reminds me that I have been blogging on this very site for three and a half years. Wow.

Much of the three and half years has been a blur, although it seems that most recently, I've finally started to realize the pure joy that is to be found in loving life rather than just surviving it. And although I am certainly tempted to take a grandiose look back over that entire history of written thoughts, feelings, actions, frustrations, joys, fears, and goofy stories, I will spare you the recap...for today at least. I'll leave you hanging in suspense until the annual year in review post that usually quickly follows New Year's Day.

However, the thought of 200 posts, most of which fall into the category of miscellany, has caused me to ponder the effect that all of my ramblings thus far as well as the potential for effect far into the future. Have people been touched through my words? Is God working through my frustrations to help others in my same situations? Have I given someone a laugh when they perhaps needed it most? Who will look back over all of these trivial notes and minuscule moments, the very thing that has transformed from just a way to fill time into a place for my heart to live on paper (or on a screen, as the case may be)? Will my children or grandchildren someday read this as a chronicle of their crazy mother or grandmother's journeys through life? Will they think me a fool or will I prove wiser? Will these silly postings outlive me and carry on some message to those far down my family line?

I never set out originally on this bloggiful journey to change lives, impact hearts, or even to glorify God. At first, it was simply to be able to tell a story. But as I grew, and as I continue to grow and learn and mature and (hopefully) become wiser, this spec in space has become so much more. I honestly don't know who's following along. And I'm not sure I'll ever know what type of impact something like a semi-public jumble of thoughts and feelings tucked away in an unseen corner of the internet will have, but it is my honest hope that God can somehow be glorified by it all, and that He can truly use it all for good.

So if you're following along, thanks for three and half great years and 200 (make that 201 after you've finished reading this) posts of sharing so far. Here's to many, many more to come.

You know what? I think I will throw that party. A glass of red wine and a little soft music will do just fine before I crawl into bed for the night. Man, 200 feels pretty darn good.


LK said...

And for those of you who can do math, if you took a few seconds to count up the archives, you'll only find 197 posts. No, I have not miscounted or celebrated my 200th post preemptively. The truth is, I have a few posts that were never published that I have saved hoping that someday I'd be ready to share them with the world. Until that day, you'll have to be content with the 197 posts of the nearly completely open book that is my life...

Jessica said...

I follow your blog, mostly because I enjoy reading well-written stories about people I've met. :)

LK said...

Jessica! Didn't know you were following along. Feel free to officially "follow". I think that there are lots of people who are reading along that I just have no idea about.

Do you blog?