Monday, January 04, 2010

3) Why are you here?

After a brief hiatus, I have returned to continue answering the questions that I assigned to my class this past semester. It always seems that the more things there are to do, the more things I try to cram into a day. And when nothing's going on, I aim to keep it that way. Thus, over the past few weeks surrounding Christmas and New Years, I haven't done too much. It was a nice break, but now it's Monday, classes begin in one week, and there is much to be done. So...back to the questions.

The idea for this question came about one day when I was particularly frustrated at my students. One can only accept a certain amount of apathy before wigging out and fully and publicly expressing my disgust. There were many days in class that I simply threw my hands up in the air and exasperatedly proclaimed, "I don't even know why you're here today!" or something along that vein. One day after a similar fit, I told them to tell me why in writing.

So, why am I here? In complete truth, there have been many times in my life that I have struggled with this question and others like it. What does my life mean? Where am I supposed to be? Am I in the will of God? There have been times where a level of sheer panic has arisen in my heart in struggling with finding the answers. What if I'm in the wrong spot? What if I'm doing the wrong things? What if I'm wasting opportunities that I'm supposed to be taking? What if I'm trying to bust down the door when God has opened three other windows?

And although I can't promise that I won't again struggle with these questions and worries, right now, I know the answer. I'm here to serve God. Simple right? I sense some smirking going on. But it's true! I'm here to serve God, and you know what? I don't need anything else.

We, as God's good creation, have been given free will to make choices in our lives. And I believe that sometimes God even gives us more than one "right" choice. God wants us to take joy in Him and in living for Him, and sometimes that includes choosing to do or not to do things. The fact of the matter is, I could make several different choices in regard to say my career, my city of dwelling, my home church, my relationships that could all be "right". And the simple truth is, I full-well know when I'm outside of the will of God. I have to make a conscious choice to exit the will of God. It requires me to try to hide some darkness amidst the Light. It takes effort to do this, and it does not happen by accident.

Okay, maybe I've drifted off topic a bit, so let's get back to it. Why am I here? I'm here to serve and love God well in whatever I'm doing, live a joyful life wherever I end up, and make prayerful decisions within the will of God. I've been gifted to care for and love others; to share the beauty of music; to write; to play; to be adventurous, bold, and enthusiastic... I'm here to make an impact where I am in the name of Jesus.

I am curious, though...why are you here?

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