Moving on to question number two... Why even ask this question to a group of eighteen-year-olds? This question helped me to get to know my students quite a bit. It showed me who had broken homes, good or bad parents, older siblings, significant others.... It was a glimpse into a part of their lives that they hold dear. But how would I answer this question?
Certainly, there have been many influential people in my life. I can list off several people who have had that intervention moment that I needed, people that God placed in my life at just the right time for just the right purpose. But who is the greatest influence in my life? Who do I pattern my very existence after? Who do I mimic, learn about, and aspire to be like? For these questions, there is only one answer. Jesus.
Why do I swim against the current of today's writhing and perverted culture? Jesus did that. Why do I strive to work as hard as I can, to do as much good as I can, and to reach as many people as I can? Jesus did. Why do I pray, worship, build relationships, and learn about my heavenly Father? Jesus did all that. I can't think of anyone that I pattern my life more after. And that, I would suppose, is from the influence He's had in my life. My heart has been changed because He owns it. My life takes a different path because He holds it. My forever looks vastly different because He's in it. If that's not influence, I don't know what is.
Now, of course, some may be thinking, Okay, but now answer the question for someone that is alive, in person, and involved in your life now... Okay, fine. The ones that qualify as some earthly influences would have to be my parents. Most of my traits are genetically or environmentally established from them. I watched them as I grew, and I patterned my actions based on what I saw. Even as a grown adult, I find great value in their opinions, feelings, and wisdom. I consult then frequently, and I aspire to be like them in many ways. And that's influence.
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