Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feeling Inspired

There's this new show out there called QuarterLife. Well, it's more than a show really. It's a blog, a vlog (video blog), a social network...a movement. And although I don't think I'll be joining this little movement (check it out at, it has inspired me. Lately I've been so busy that blogging and other hobbies have been put on the back burner. Ok, so pretty much everything outside of work and class have been put on hold. It can't go on like this forever.

The show QuarterLife is all about twenty-somethings and their lives after college. All of the characters are frankly pretty self-centered and their actions have very few consequences as far as the scope of the show reaches. I don't know how accurately that it reflects real life. But in some ways, I still identify with some of them. None of us really know yet what we want to do when we grow up, we're not sure where we fit in the world (but we know we do somewhere), we're not quite sure we want to admit that we're grown ups just yet...

And then there's this whole blogging thing that people said wouldn't last. What is our fascination with revealing parts (or all) of our lives to people we may or may not know. I mean, think about it, you (one of maybe three or four people) are reading about little snippets of my life, and even with a tiny little audience, I still feel the need to share with someone, something about me. But for what? To prove I exist? To prove I'm of worth? For my own entertainment rather than yours? I guess I don't really know.

But nonetheless, I feel a little inspired with this whole video blogging thing. If I have a few spare minutes next week, I may give it a try....whether you will enjoy it or not.

Happy quarter life (those of you in that age bracket). Go find yourself. That's what I think I'll work on for a while.

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