Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mental Health

Life had been spinning a million miles a minute. And it seemed that it was harder and harder to try to keep up. I was getting frustrated, anxious, and exhausted over the little things, and my walls were wearing thinner and thinner. So, today, I actively chose to take a mental health day. I could have taken another day filled with anxiety and maybe some tears to try to get a little more homework done or a little more work done. But I chose to put it aside. Since Sunday's were designed to be days of rest anyway, it only felt right.

My parents came up to see me which was just what I needed for a little rest and relaxation. Somehow they always know how to cheer me up, give me whatever pep talk I need to hear, and feed me well. (Who doesn't love the Belmont Truck Stop?) I made the decision that even if we did nothing all day, I wanted to cancel all my other things just to do that. So I did. And I am thankful. It gave me a chance to reevaluate where I'm at and what I'm doing to myself. I needed to reprioritize things.

There are a few important lessons I have gleaned from my reflections today:
1) Family knows best. If they're worried about you, chances are, something's not right. Go with their instincts. Spend more time with them. Enjoy just being with them.
2) Working hard is important, but working yourself to death is ridiculous. Work hard while you can to do good where you can, but leave it at work when you go home. It will be right where you left it tomorrow.
3) Don't allow discouragement to creep in. It's a sneaky little character. You don't really know it's coming up on you until it's nearly devoured you. You will fail at something or other. You can either be brokenhearted and discouraged, or you can take good notes and improve for the next time. This is tougher stated than executed.
4) Take a day and use it for reflection. You can get so far out into your own little world that you lose all perspective of what's really going on around you. Use a day to reflect on reality and go from there.
5) Remember you are human. Humans are not perfect. They do not succeed all the time. They cannot do everything on their own. Rely on others when you need help. Accept the things you can't change anyway. Use positivity daily. Know that God is in control. Cry. Laugh.

As I go to bed tonight, I continue my reflection of recent life. It has not been an easy few weeks. And there's not guarantee that the next few will get any easier. I will just have to take them as they come and pass them on to God. Ups and downs will be all over the road of life. But after every down, there must come an up. So tonight, as I drift away to dreamland, I can smile, knowing the up is on its way.

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