Saturday, September 20, 2008


Where do I start? How do I begin to write about something as tragic as two accidents, two injuries, and two deaths in two weeks? How can I even reconcile it with reality?

Thursday and Friday, the entire world within the University of Dubuque walls paused...perhaps even stopped all together. Everyone stopped to reflect on lives lost and already so dearly missed. We gave up on work, on some classes, on meetings...We spent time just sitting with one another, just being together. To us, it was perhaps a natural reaction. But a very strange thing happens through all of this...the rest of the world didn't pause. It doesn't stop. It keeps ticking away as it always has. Drivers drive their regular route home through campus and wonder for a moment why more people than usual are sitting together on the quad. Organizations come in for meetings on campus with no notice of the somber mood around them. Performers go about their acts and ask why attendance was low. To us, within the walls, it doesn't make any sense. Reality, for a few days, just can't line up with where we are.

But, eventually, reality and real life will align again. We'll go back to our meetings, our voicemails, our duties. Students will go back to studying and working hard. We're back to normal but somehow never the same. Whether we knew the young people whose lives were lost or not, we mourn for them, for their families, and for our community. We hurt because they are not here. We come together like we didn't know we could.

And that's the one great thing to come of all of this...if any great things can come of absolute catastrophe. What we once knew as colleauges, students, aquaintences are now all family. We talk, we hug, we laugh, we cry, we do it all together, much differently than before. So, as our world begins to come back to reality, I still pause, for just a moment, to reflect on the blessing of family...whatever form it may take. And through a few lingering tears, I can smile.

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