Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Holy Cow! Where have I been?

Sorry! I just realized today that it has been a long time since I've last updated this. Do you know how much you've missed in the past fifteen days?!?

I've started grad school...It's a little scary, but I think I can survive it. I have already completed several assignments on time, and somehow I'm even managing to work a little ahead of schedule. Amazing, I know.

I moved! Yeah, that's right. I managed the giant leap of seven whole miles from Platteville to Belmont. I'm pretty much all settled now except for the all important wall hangings and such. Luckily my mom is coming back for a long weekend to help me finish up some things. Thanks, Mom!

I get my internet connection tomorrow afternoon barring any major issues with the installation. So, you should find more frequent posts after that.

I have tons of new photos to share with you. They will also be posted after the internet installation has been completed.

So there's the quick update. Nothing you probably didn't already know.

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