Yesterday after work, I had the sudden urge to go for a run. Now, if you know me at all, you're thinking, "Well, that's weird," because Lindsey does not run. But it was undeniable, so I suited up, found my tennies, loaded up my mp3 player, and headed out. But I decided that walking was a much better idea.
It was a beautiful night. The sun was peeking in and out of the clouds, the breeze was nice and cool. I walked through campus first as it was my comfort zone for so long. I walked through Memorial Park behind campus, then found the Roundtree Branch Trail. I had heard a rumor that this trail went something like all the way to Mineral Point. And although I had no intention of walking to Mineral Point last night, I did feel like it would be an adventure to see where it led me.
So, I walked and walked and walked. And twice I found myself without a trail, totally at a loss for when I had actually gotten off the trail. And then I was in the Domino's employee parking lot...and the trail stopped cold. First of all, I already felt like an idiot for walking through the giant parking lot past all the employees on their smoke breaks. But to walk past them again when I finally realize the trail was gone was almost too much for me to bear. So I finished my walk in a state of fury.
So, if anyone has an official map of the trail that goes to Mineral Point, or even if you know where I can go to start the trail (um, that doesn't require me to risk my life by walking on any roads), please let me know. I'd love to explore it.
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